Hauling out
As a DIY Boating Club, MTYC has always encouraged Members to maintain their own boats to the best of their ability, helped by the considerable expertise available from other Members when required. As a result of this, MTYC have made facilities available to haul boats out for such work as may be needed, or for winter storage ashore.
As boats have gradually increased in size, so the facilities available to Members have been upgraded. The cradle is able to lift a ten metre, six tonne boat and haul it ashore for maintenance or repairs. In the winter season boats may be stored ashore, subject to advance booking.
In the earlier years, hauling out boats took muscle power on a windlass and boats used an old WWII bomb trolley as a cradle. As boats have become larger, the Club has benefitted from a Member’s skill in design and construction by converting the old bomb trolley into a hydraulic lift. Each year, this allows some eight launches and one slipping to take place during a single day.