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The Club has recently extended its already extensive moorings by adding several sections to the main pontoon. In addition, finger moorings for smaller vessels are provided at the down-river end of the site. Hard moorings for visitors extend along much of the Club frontage. A bridge provides easy access to the main pontoon, which at present is operated manually but is in the process of updating to a motorised system. Electricity is available for the benefit of Members and visitors at a small cost and fresh water is provided throughout the moorings.


Currently there is a waiting list for moorings and new Members, once past their provisional stage, can add their name to the list for a mooring.

Thames Motor Cruiser Moorings
Pontoon Moorings
Thames Motor Cruiser Moorings
Thames Motor Cruiser Moorings

© 2016 Designed and built by Laughing Gull. Photography © David Burge and/or MTYC Members.

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Thames Boating Mooring
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